For babies learning to read, any book with a few large pictures, few large words (more than an inch is great) in mostly lower case, bright colors and tactile stimulation, if possible, will work well.
When you read, point to each word. Allow him to turn the page. (I put my thumb behind the next page on top so it's easier for him to turn it from the bottom.) Try not to prompt him to turn the page. Jett loves to decide when to turn the page and it allows me to know for sure that he's engaged.
These books are Jett's top picks--um, yes, I know it's a big list, but he's a big reader!
These books are Jett's top picks--um, yes, I know it's a big list, but he's a big reader!
If you do purchase these books online, make sure you buy the largest size. Some of these are also made as smaller board books.
If you purchase the book from my link, I get a percentage. You can get discounted books at:,, and
What to Read to your Child
Here is a list of excellent books that fit the above criteria along with a short review. What to Read to your Child
One star for each of these traits:
- great to read aloud
- sturdy pages
- fun story
- nice pictures
- large text
no stars = I just haven't given it stars YET
5* Yip! Snap! Yap!
by Charles Fuge (Big, bold words. Fun, colorful pictures with no background. Nice sturdy pages.)
4* The Baby Goes Beep
by Rebecca O'Connell, Illustrated by Ken Wilson-Max (Big, bold words. Fun to read out loud. Lots
of repetition and sound words. Fun, colorful pictures. One of Jett's
favorites. The baby reminds me of Jett.)
4* Star Baby
by Margaret O'Hair, Illustrated by Erin Eitter Kono (Fairly big words. Perfect to read out loud. Lots
of repetition. Fun, colorful pictures. One of Jett's
favorites since he can read all the words at 21 months.)
4* Clip-Clop
by Nicola Smee (Big words. Simple pictures with little background. Super fun to read.)
4* Hooray for Fish!
4* Tip Tip Dig Dig
by Emma Garcia (Big words that repeat. Fun pictures.) There's also Tap Tap Bang Bang and Toot Toot Beep Beep.
4* Yo! Yes? (Scholastic Bookshelf)
by Chris Raschka (Few, big words. Simple pictures with little background.)

4* Peeve, My Parents' Pet
Written by Tom Ryan, Illustrated by Kenny Durkin. (Jett and Oliver love it! It's a cute
story, and the pictures are awesome--full of color and expression. I
asked Jett what it was about and he said, "It's about Jett!".... When
you read it, you'll think that comment is funny. The text is a fairly
good size, but not for little babies, and is in bold with two-three
per page. At four years old, Jett could easily read the size and didn't
have to squint and at 14 months old, Oliver really appreciated the
4* Seven Hungry Babies
by Candace
Fleming (Fun story. Some big sized words, some small words. Has great,
bright, expressive illustrations. Jett loves the "sound" words. This is the first book that he started to read the words aloud.)
5* Pig Takes A Bath (Hello Genius)
by Michael Dahl (Fun to read board book. Cute, simple pictures but has some capitalization.)
5* Toddler Story Book: Panda Big, Panda Small
4* Scrubba Dub
by Bernadette Pons and Nancy Van Laan (Has more words than I'd like, but Jett still loves it. Words are okay sized and the pictures are detailed.)
3* Dog from Arf! Arf! to Zzzzzz Board Book, The
by Harper Collins Publishing (A few big words. Cute photographs w/no background.)
3* Dog from Arf! Arf! to Zzzzzz Board Book, The
4* Little Robin Redbreast
4* Baby: Peekaboo! (Baby Chunky Board Books)
4* Cornelius P. Mud, Are You Ready for Bed?
by Barney Saltzberg (Cute book. Has some all caps, though. This is the book in which he could recognize his first sight word:"hug.")
4* Maybe A Bear Ate It!
by Robie Harris, illustrated by Michael Emberley (Big letters, very cute story, pictures very expressive, but are a little detailed.)
4* Move Over, Rover!
by Karen Beaumont, Illustrated by Jane
Dyer (Big words in white. Fun story and fun to read w/repetition and
rhyming; great pictures, a little dark and detailed for the youngest of
babies. A Theodor Seuss Geisel Honor Book, and well deserved.)
4* Move Over, Rover!
4* Snow
4* Rain
4* Starry Safari
4* The Icky Sticky Frog
by Dawn Bentley, illustrated by Salina Yoon. (Big, bold words, but the font is a little stylized. About 17 words on a page, more for an older baby. Cute story, has sound words and repetition. Fun, colorful, simple pictures & a cute cover with a tongue to play with and googley eyes.)
4* Pig-a-Boo!: A Farmyard Peekaboo Book
4* Wiggle Your Toes
by Karen Katz (Big, bold words, cute simple pictures and fun tactile touches. Flaps do need to reinforced with tape.)

4* Daddies Give You Horsey Rides by Abby Levine and illustrated by John Bendall-Brunello. Cute, but detailed pictures
with large bold words.
Fun to read with rhyming and a cute story. Jett enjoys this book a lot.
4* The Scrubbly-Bubbly Car Wash
by Irene O'Garden illustrated by Cynthia Jabar. (Super fun to read aloud. At 20 months, one of Jett's favorites. Words are bold, fairly large. Rhymes with lots of sound words.)
4* The Daddy Book
by Todd Parr (Big, bold words. Fun to read w/repetition; simple, super-colorful pictures that babies of all ages love. Nice, sturdy pages.) He has many other titles that Jett and I will check out. Big Lots has this book for like $3!
4* Here Comes Peter Cottontail!
by Steve Nelson and Jack Rollins. Illustrated by Pamela R. Levy. This sturdy board book is fun to sing aloud; nice, but detailed pictures; fairly big words, but not for the youngest of babies.
4* Where Is Baby's Puppy?: A Lift-the-Flap Book (Karen Katz Lift-the-Flap Books)
by Karen Katz. This lift-a-flap board book is fun to read aloud, with cute, simple, colorful pictures and big bold words. I would reinforce all the flaps with tape on the inside and out before they get ripped off.
4* Five Little Chicks
by Nancy Tafuri. Fun to read aloud with rhyme and repetition, sturdy board book,
with nice, but detailed pictures and fairly big, bold words.

4* Sneak-a-Peek-a-boo! Where's My Mom?
It's fun to read this colorful lift-a-flap board book aloud because of sound words and repetition. It has great photographs and fairly big words.
3* Wag Wag Wag (Read and Wonder Books)
by Peter Hansard, Illustrated by Barbara Firth (One to three words per page. Big, single words that are fun to read aloud. The detailed pictures, not for young babies, have beautiful expression and movement. The pictures, rather than the words are enjoyable for adults to "read" over and over again.)
3* Fun with Words by Cuddly Duck Productions (Nice lift a flap board book; colorful, fun pictures; word size best for older babies. Six books in the series.)
3* Boo to You! by Lois Ehlert (Big words in white. Fun story; great college-like pictures, a little dark and busy for the youngest of babies. Bonus: "Pumpkin talk" in the back about pumpkins as well as a picture/word guide of fall veggies, fruit and plants.)
4* The Wee Little Woman by Byron Barton (Words are a little small, but nice and bold as well as colored, best for older babies. Cute, simple story and fun to read with lots of repetition; very simple, colorful pictures. The simplicity of the text and pictures makes it easy for a baby to follow.)
3* Animal Babies by David Doepker. This sturdy board book has one big verb per page with great photographs. Nice for fairly young babies.
4* Click, Clack, 123 by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin. This board book has three fairly big words per page, somewhat detailed pictures and a cute story. Part of the Little Simon book series along with A Busy Day at the Farm and Click, Clack abc.
3* Beetle Bop by Fleming, Denise (Not much of a story, but fun to read aloud with lots of repeating words & sounds; nice colorful pictures, a little abstract for young babies; really big bold words, about five a page. Jett really enjoys reading this book aloud with me.)
3* Lots of Spots by Ehlert, Lois.(Short poems that are fun to read aloud; nice, colorful simple pictures; smaller words for babies over 18 months.)
3* Can You Guess? by Margaret Miller (Decent sized words. Fun to read silly questions and answers; great photographs of children and animals in action. Probably won't be able to answer questions until over 2 years old, but a baby would still enjoy this book.)
3* How Do Dinosaurs Learn their Colors? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague (Odd rhymes, doesn't roll off the tongue well; sturdy board book; colorful, fun, detailed illustrations; nicely sized words. Each color word is in that color.)
4* A Slide and Surprise Animal Book by Natalie Boyd. (Great to read aloud with questions and sliding pictures; sturdy pages but need to tape bottom edge of each page; nice photographs; fairly large sized words.)
2* Eating the Alphabet: Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z by Ehlert, Lois (Great alphabet book with big words, about 3-5 per page. Nice simple, very colorful pictures. Bonus: at the end there's info about fruits and veggies, but the words are tiny!)

4* Whoo goes there? by Ericsson, Jennifer A, Illustrated by Bert Kitchen. (Even with about 35 words per page, this book is enjoyable to read aloud because of repeating words & fun sounds; the story is suspenseful and engaging; nice pictures, a little dark and detailed for young babies; really big words. At 21 months, Jett loves reading this book aloud
with me and seeing what happens next.)
3* Rap a Tap Tap: Here's Bojangles Think of That! by Leo & Diane Dillon (Fun to read aloud because of repetition and sound words, but there's little story. Drawings are simple and colorful. Words are a little small, but nice and bold. Great for older babies. Jett played with drum sticks after reading it as well as tapped his shoes on the floor (off his feet). So I went on youtube and found a great Bojangles video of him tap dancing with Shirley Temple. Jett loved it! He now goes around the house saying, "rappataptap!" Won the Coretta Scott King Award honor.)
4* Time to get dressed! by Savadier, Elivia (Big words, simple pictures. Cute story. Great for Daddy to read to baby.)
4* Bark, George by Jules Feiffer (Fun to read aloud & cute story, simple pictures, words a little small, better for older babies.)
4* Hidden Hippo by Joan Gannij & Clare Beaton (Reads well because of rhymes; at 21 months, Jett loves the story; simple, cute pictures created like a felt quilt; words a little small, but nicely bolded. Bonus: info about the animals in the end, but the words are small.)
4* Overboard! by Sarah Weeks and illustrated by Sam Williams. (Fun to read aloud with cute rhymes, fairly sturdy pages, fun story, very cute pictures, some really big colorful words and some nice sized bold words.)
4* Turnagain, Ptarmigan, Where Did You Go? by James Guenther, Illustrated by Shannon Cartwright. (About 5 large words on each page. Nice nature illustrations a bit too detailed for young babies [but I don't like how she drew the children]. The larger vocabulary is good for older babies too. Decent story. On the last page, he has nice info about the ptarmigan, but the words are very small.)
4* Roly Poly Pangolin by Dewdney, Anna.(Cute rhyming story, fairly sturdy pages, nice pictures good for all babies, bold words a little small for young babies, 10-16 words a page.)
4* There Was an Old Monster by Adrian, Ed and Rebecca Emberley. (Even though the words don't exactly roll off your tongue, it's still fun to read aloud. Has rhyming and repetition -- is actually a [not that great] song you can download for free. Crazy, colorful simple illustrations. Words are a little smaller than I'd prefer, but still okay, orange on black background. From 10-35 words per page, but lots of repetition, so it's still good to help teach reading. Jett loves this book.)
3* Spot's first shapes : a touch-and-feel books by Hill, Eric (Not much of a story, but a great shape book for young babies! Sturdy and colorful. One word per page. Highly recommend this series.)

4* One More Bunny: Adding from one to ten by Rick Walton Illustrated by Page Miglio Great book. Eleven big words per page. Nice big words, separated from picture. Fun to read, exclamation points, rhyming words, about activities that toddlers can relate to. Great introduction to addition.
4* Baby Faces! by DK books (Excellent board book w/big words, cute photographs and lift flaps. Explores words such as smiley, grumpy, funny and sleepy.)
3* Feelings by Balouch, Kristen (Big words, about ten words on a page with one word on each page in all caps. Simple, cute pictures. Book is thick but not that sturdy. You should reinforce with tape at the bottom edge of each page before it separates.) Other books in the series Night-Night Sleepyhead and Let's Go...Baby
3* A Pig is Big by Douglas Florian (Big bolded words, about 10 to 24 words on a page . Simple, cute pictures.) Cute story. Teaches about sizes. cccfOther books by the same author Winter Eyes, A Chef, A Painter, A Fisher
4* The Daddy Book
4* Here Comes Peter Cottontail!
4* Where Is Baby's Puppy?: A Lift-the-Flap Book (Karen Katz Lift-the-Flap Books)
4* Five Little Chicks
3* Wag Wag Wag (Read and Wonder Books)
3* Fun with Words by Cuddly Duck Productions (Nice lift a flap board book; colorful, fun pictures; word size best for older babies. Six books in the series.)
3* Boo to You! by Lois Ehlert (Big words in white. Fun story; great college-like pictures, a little dark and busy for the youngest of babies. Bonus: "Pumpkin talk" in the back about pumpkins as well as a picture/word guide of fall veggies, fruit and plants.)
4* The Wee Little Woman by Byron Barton (Words are a little small, but nice and bold as well as colored, best for older babies. Cute, simple story and fun to read with lots of repetition; very simple, colorful pictures. The simplicity of the text and pictures makes it easy for a baby to follow.)
3* Animal Babies by David Doepker. This sturdy board book has one big verb per page with great photographs. Nice for fairly young babies.
4* Click, Clack, 123 by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin. This board book has three fairly big words per page, somewhat detailed pictures and a cute story. Part of the Little Simon book series along with A Busy Day at the Farm and Click, Clack abc.
3* Beetle Bop by Fleming, Denise (Not much of a story, but fun to read aloud with lots of repeating words & sounds; nice colorful pictures, a little abstract for young babies; really big bold words, about five a page. Jett really enjoys reading this book aloud with me.)
3* Lots of Spots by Ehlert, Lois.(Short poems that are fun to read aloud; nice, colorful simple pictures; smaller words for babies over 18 months.)
3* Can You Guess? by Margaret Miller (Decent sized words. Fun to read silly questions and answers; great photographs of children and animals in action. Probably won't be able to answer questions until over 2 years old, but a baby would still enjoy this book.)
3* How Do Dinosaurs Learn their Colors? by Jane Yolen & Mark Teague (Odd rhymes, doesn't roll off the tongue well; sturdy board book; colorful, fun, detailed illustrations; nicely sized words. Each color word is in that color.)
4* A Slide and Surprise Animal Book by Natalie Boyd. (Great to read aloud with questions and sliding pictures; sturdy pages but need to tape bottom edge of each page; nice photographs; fairly large sized words.)
2* Eating the Alphabet: Fruits and Vegetables from A to Z by Ehlert, Lois (Great alphabet book with big words, about 3-5 per page. Nice simple, very colorful pictures. Bonus: at the end there's info about fruits and veggies, but the words are tiny!)
3* Rap a Tap Tap: Here's Bojangles Think of That! by Leo & Diane Dillon (Fun to read aloud because of repetition and sound words, but there's little story. Drawings are simple and colorful. Words are a little small, but nice and bold. Great for older babies. Jett played with drum sticks after reading it as well as tapped his shoes on the floor (off his feet). So I went on youtube and found a great Bojangles video of him tap dancing with Shirley Temple. Jett loved it! He now goes around the house saying, "rappataptap!" Won the Coretta Scott King Award honor.)
4* Time to get dressed! by Savadier, Elivia (Big words, simple pictures. Cute story. Great for Daddy to read to baby.)
4* Bark, George by Jules Feiffer (Fun to read aloud & cute story, simple pictures, words a little small, better for older babies.)
4* Hidden Hippo by Joan Gannij & Clare Beaton (Reads well because of rhymes; at 21 months, Jett loves the story; simple, cute pictures created like a felt quilt; words a little small, but nicely bolded. Bonus: info about the animals in the end, but the words are small.)
4* Overboard! by Sarah Weeks and illustrated by Sam Williams. (Fun to read aloud with cute rhymes, fairly sturdy pages, fun story, very cute pictures, some really big colorful words and some nice sized bold words.)
4* Turnagain, Ptarmigan, Where Did You Go? by James Guenther, Illustrated by Shannon Cartwright. (About 5 large words on each page. Nice nature illustrations a bit too detailed for young babies [but I don't like how she drew the children]. The larger vocabulary is good for older babies too. Decent story. On the last page, he has nice info about the ptarmigan, but the words are very small.)
4* Roly Poly Pangolin by Dewdney, Anna.(Cute rhyming story, fairly sturdy pages, nice pictures good for all babies, bold words a little small for young babies, 10-16 words a page.)
4* There Was an Old Monster by Adrian, Ed and Rebecca Emberley. (Even though the words don't exactly roll off your tongue, it's still fun to read aloud. Has rhyming and repetition -- is actually a [not that great] song you can download for free. Crazy, colorful simple illustrations. Words are a little smaller than I'd prefer, but still okay, orange on black background. From 10-35 words per page, but lots of repetition, so it's still good to help teach reading. Jett loves this book.)
3* Spot's first shapes : a touch-and-feel books by Hill, Eric (Not much of a story, but a great shape book for young babies! Sturdy and colorful. One word per page. Highly recommend this series.)
4* Baby Faces! by DK books (Excellent board book w/big words, cute photographs and lift flaps. Explores words such as smiley, grumpy, funny and sleepy.)
3* Feelings by Balouch, Kristen (Big words, about ten words on a page with one word on each page in all caps. Simple, cute pictures. Book is thick but not that sturdy. You should reinforce with tape at the bottom edge of each page before it separates.) Other books in the series Night-Night Sleepyhead and Let's Go...Baby
3* A Pig is Big by Douglas Florian (Big bolded words, about 10 to 24 words on a page . Simple, cute pictures.) Cute story. Teaches about sizes. cccfOther books by the same author Winter Eyes, A Chef, A Painter, A Fisher
3* Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert (Big words, about twelve words on a page. Great pictures made from leaves. Some repeating.)
3* Love Waves by Rosemary Wells. 2 to 14 words per page words are nice and big. Good for little one. Cute, fairly simple pictures, bright colors. About parents going off to work. Has rhyming.
3* Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert (About ten words or less per page. Simple story, very simple, large brightly colored pictures. Gives directions at the end on how to make vegetable soup.)
4* Mommy Mine by Warnes, Tim illustrated by Jane Chapman. (Big bold words, fun to read aloud w/rhyming words. Cute pictures.)
4* Kitty's Cuddles by Jane Cabrera
4* Daisy's Hide-and-Seek by Jane Simmons Nice big words. Adorable painted pictures with lift up flaps (you do need to reinforce with tape). Sturdy pages.
4* Peekaboo Zoo by Lamaze. (A lift-the-flap book with big, bold words and simple, colorful pictures.)
3* Pooh by Milne, A. A. rewritten by Alan Alexander. (Jett loves this big board book. Very large words w/original drawings.)
4* Mr Brown can Moo! Can You? by Seuss, Dr. (Smaller words. Fun to read out loud. Lots of repetition and sound words. Fun, colorful pictures. For older babies. At 21 months, it's perfect for Jett.)
3* Piglets Belong to Pigs a Children's Press book. (Fairly big words. Great photographs.)
4* Mr Brown can Moo! Can You? by Seuss, Dr. (Smaller words. Fun to read out loud. Lots of repetition and sound words. Fun, colorful pictures. For older babies. At 21 months, it's perfect for Jett.)
3* Piglets Belong to Pigs a Children's Press book. (Fairly big words. Great photographs.)
4* Flaptastic Farm by Gardner, Charlie (A sturdy lift-a-flap book with big words and simple, colorful photographs and pictures. Good for building vocabulary. I would reinforce the fold out creases with tape when you get it.)
3* Thank You Bear by Greg Foley. (Cute story, very cute simple pictures, 15 to 18 nice sized words per page.)
3* Superheros by Maxwell Eaton III. (Fun to read aloud, fairly sturdy pages, fun story, cute simple pictures, some really big bold words and also smaller words in talk bubbles.) At 28 months, Jett loves this book. Has sound words.
3* Words are not for Hurting by Elizabeth Verdick and illustrated by Marieka Heinlen. (Board book, simple cute pictures, some repetition, nice sized words about 10 or less per page.)
3* Barnyard Banter by Denise Fleming. (Fun to read aloud with cute rhymes lots of repetition and sound words, fairly sturdy pages, fun story, very cute pictures, large sized bold words about 7 or less per page.)
3* Pie in the Sky by Lois Ehlert. (Different sized pages, fun story, very cute pictures, some really big words up to 24 a page.) Has smaller sized captions that tells what each picture is. Jett enjoys this book. Has a cherry pie recipe.
3* My First Book of Colors by Aigner-Clark, Julie (A nice Baby Einstein board book w/big words, great photographs and pictures. Has the color and examples of each.)
3* Clap Hands by Helen Oxenbury (Big words, about three on a page. Cute cartoon pictures. Thin board book, binding may need reinforcement.) Also All Fall Down, Say Goodnight and Tickle, Tickle.
4* Bouncing Time by Patrician Hubbell and Melissa Sweet (Big words, 3-19 per page. The word "bounce" is bold and colored on every page. It's fun to bounce your baby every time you read the word. Fun, cute pictures.)
4* Feathers for Lunch by Ehlert, Lois (Cute story, fun to read aloud with rhymes & sound words; colorful, simple pictures; big bold words, about ten a page. Bonus: at the end of the book, she lists facts about the birds in the story.)
4* What's Your Sound Hound the Hound? by Mo Willems. Nice, very simple pictures with solid colors, very large bold words. Fun to read with repetition and a cute story.
4* Daddies Give You Horsey Rides by Abby Levine and illustrated by John Bendall-Brunello. Cute, but detailed pictures with large bold words. Fun to read with rhyming and a cute story. Jett enjoys this book a lot.
4 *Bunnies on the Go by Rick Walton Illustrated by 22 words per page. Nice fairly big sized pictures are extremely detailed. About different ways to travel. Cute for older toddler Rhyming and anticipation makes you want to turn the page to see what happens next. Jett really enjoys it.
3* For Pete's Sake by Ellen Stoll Walsh Message: All different, but the same; nice, fairly simple pictures with white background; words size is nice and big; 14 words per page. Good to get from library rather than buy since you probably won't read it too many times.
3* The Cat Jumped In by Tess Weaver Illustrated by Emily Arnold McCully Great to read aloud because it has action words, short and long sentences, asks questions, pictures are fun and detailed. For older baby, word size varies but is fairly good sized, 13 words per page. At 3 years old, Jett enjoys it.
3* Little Dogs Say "Rough" by Rick Waldon Illustrated by Henry Cole. 11 words per page, word size fairly good but not for very young eyes. Text separated from pictures, cute fun and cartoony are detailed, but contrasting enough for young eyes. Fun to read aloud because of rhyming and repeating words and sounds that animals say. Fun story but it ends abruptly. Jett has fun reading it alone.
3* Who Needs that Nose? by Sherry Midigh For the older toddler, thirty words per page, words separated, nicely sized. Has rhyming and lots of information for older toddler. Very detailed, nice pictures. Fun to read aloud. Jett enjoys it.
3* Yoko's Paper Cranes by Rosemary Wells. Nice, big words, 22 words per page separated from pictures. Pictures very nice and detailed. Theme: Japan, moving away, how mail works and origami. For older toddler.
3* Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh. 5-11 words per page. Words are separated from picture. Easy to read, but more elevated concepts about colors and mixing colors. An older toddler would understand better. Cute story.
3* How Can You Dance by Rick Walton and Illustrated by Anna Lopez- Has 32 words per page, words are a little small, nice and bold. Pictures are fairly simple with good contrast. Fun to read. Has rhyming, exclamation points, repetition actions for toddler to do and act out. A little bit of counting.
3* Scare a Bear by Kathy-Joe Wargin Illustrated by John Bendall-Brunello Nice big, bold words about 6-13 words per page. Pictures are detailed. Rhyming words, fun to read.
3* What a Wonderful World Illustrated by Ashley Bryan written by Bob Theile Nice, big, colorful pictures. Words are very big 3-5 words per page. They won't know what the words mean, but nice to read or sing to them.
3* Piglet by Milne, A. A. rewritten by Alan Alexander. (Jett's loves this big board book. Very large words w/original drawings. Story's not that great.)
3* Vulture View by April Pulley Sayre and illustrated by Steve Jenkins. Fairly simple pictures with bold colors, fairly large words. Fun to read. More information about vultures in the back of the book.
3* What Do You Love? by Jonathan London. Nice, but detailed pictures with thin but large words. Fun to read with repetition and rhyming.
2* Cats, Cats, and More Cats by Dana Kubick. Nice but detailed pictures, nice big words. More information about cats in the back of the book.
1* What Do I Do? by Hui Hui Su-Kennedy. Cute pictures, but there's not enough contrasting color for young babies to see clearly. The words are bold, but in all caps. Better for older baby or one who's not doing the Doman method.
4* Feathers for Lunch by Ehlert, Lois (Cute story, fun to read aloud with rhymes & sound words; colorful, simple pictures; big bold words, about ten a page. Bonus: at the end of the book, she lists facts about the birds in the story.)
4* What's Your Sound Hound the Hound? by Mo Willems. Nice, very simple pictures with solid colors, very large bold words. Fun to read with repetition and a cute story.
4* Daddies Give You Horsey Rides by Abby Levine and illustrated by John Bendall-Brunello. Cute, but detailed pictures with large bold words. Fun to read with rhyming and a cute story. Jett enjoys this book a lot.
4 *Bunnies on the Go by Rick Walton Illustrated by 22 words per page. Nice fairly big sized pictures are extremely detailed. About different ways to travel. Cute for older toddler Rhyming and anticipation makes you want to turn the page to see what happens next. Jett really enjoys it.
3* For Pete's Sake by Ellen Stoll Walsh Message: All different, but the same; nice, fairly simple pictures with white background; words size is nice and big; 14 words per page. Good to get from library rather than buy since you probably won't read it too many times.
3* The Cat Jumped In by Tess Weaver Illustrated by Emily Arnold McCully Great to read aloud because it has action words, short and long sentences, asks questions, pictures are fun and detailed. For older baby, word size varies but is fairly good sized, 13 words per page. At 3 years old, Jett enjoys it.
3* Little Dogs Say "Rough" by Rick Waldon Illustrated by Henry Cole. 11 words per page, word size fairly good but not for very young eyes. Text separated from pictures, cute fun and cartoony are detailed, but contrasting enough for young eyes. Fun to read aloud because of rhyming and repeating words and sounds that animals say. Fun story but it ends abruptly. Jett has fun reading it alone.
3* Who Needs that Nose? by Sherry Midigh For the older toddler, thirty words per page, words separated, nicely sized. Has rhyming and lots of information for older toddler. Very detailed, nice pictures. Fun to read aloud. Jett enjoys it.
3* Yoko's Paper Cranes by Rosemary Wells. Nice, big words, 22 words per page separated from pictures. Pictures very nice and detailed. Theme: Japan, moving away, how mail works and origami. For older toddler.
3* Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh. 5-11 words per page. Words are separated from picture. Easy to read, but more elevated concepts about colors and mixing colors. An older toddler would understand better. Cute story.
3* How Can You Dance by Rick Walton and Illustrated by Anna Lopez- Has 32 words per page, words are a little small, nice and bold. Pictures are fairly simple with good contrast. Fun to read. Has rhyming, exclamation points, repetition actions for toddler to do and act out. A little bit of counting.
3* Scare a Bear by Kathy-Joe Wargin Illustrated by John Bendall-Brunello Nice big, bold words about 6-13 words per page. Pictures are detailed. Rhyming words, fun to read.
3* What a Wonderful World Illustrated by Ashley Bryan written by Bob Theile Nice, big, colorful pictures. Words are very big 3-5 words per page. They won't know what the words mean, but nice to read or sing to them.
3* Piglet by Milne, A. A. rewritten by Alan Alexander. (Jett's loves this big board book. Very large words w/original drawings. Story's not that great.)
3* Vulture View by April Pulley Sayre and illustrated by Steve Jenkins. Fairly simple pictures with bold colors, fairly large words. Fun to read. More information about vultures in the back of the book.
3* What Do You Love? by Jonathan London. Nice, but detailed pictures with thin but large words. Fun to read with repetition and rhyming.
2* Cats, Cats, and More Cats by Dana Kubick. Nice but detailed pictures, nice big words. More information about cats in the back of the book.
1* What Do I Do? by Hui Hui Su-Kennedy. Cute pictures, but there's not enough contrasting color for young babies to see clearly. The words are bold, but in all caps. Better for older baby or one who's not doing the Doman method.
Emily Loves to Bounce by Stephen Michael King (Decently sized bold words, cute pictures.)
I Love You as Big as the World by Tim Warnes
Meeow and the Big Box by Sebastien Braun (Nice big letters! Simple illustrations.)
Meeow and the Big Box by Sebastien Braun (Nice big letters! Simple illustrations.)
Five Little Pumpkins by Iris Van Renbach (Big, bold words with rhyming. Pictures are a little too busy and detailed for young babies.)
Hello Baby! by Mem Fox Illustrated by Steve Jenkins (Nice big words, about seven on a page. Nice pictures with white background.)
Brownie & Pearl Take a Dip by Rylant, Cynthia illustrated by Brian Biggs. (Nice bold words. Jett thinks it's a cute story -- I think it's the first story he was able to follow and enjoy. Fun, colorful pictures.)
Baby Loves by Michael Lawrence Illustrated by Adrian Reynolds (Nice big words, 10-12 on a page. Cute cartoon pictures. Lots of repetition.)
Leaves, Leaves by Salina Yoon (Board book with nice sized words. Rhymes, but a little boring. Fun, colorful, simple pictures and flaps.)
I'm Too Busy by Helen Stephens (Colorful, whimsical pictures, fairly big, bold words in more of a handwriting font. Story is only okay. Sturdy pages.)
Animal Babies in Rain Forests by Schofield, Jennifer. (Lots of big words on each page. Great photographs. Maybe for older babies since there are more words and bigger vocabulary. At 20 months, Jett loves these.) Also in the series Animal Babies in Grasslands, Animal Babies in Polar Lands, Animal Babies in Ponds and Rivers.
That's not my teddy... by Fiona Watt, Illustrated by Rachel Wells. (Board book with big words. Colorful, simple pictures with textures to touch. Great for young babies.)
Clap Your Hands by Lorinda Bryan Cauley (Nice sized words, about 10 a page includes actions best for older babies. Detailed pictures better for older babies.)
Oops! by David Shannon
Cuddle Time by Libby Gleeson, Illustrated by Julie Vivas (Decent sized words and cute story/pictures.)
3* Emily Won't Take a Bath by Domitille de Pressense (Big, bold colorful words, a little wordy for the youngest babies. Cute, simple pictures a little too thinly lined for young baby's eyes. Cute story.) Other Emily titles: Emily and the Snails, Emily Wet the Bed, and Emily Won't Eat.
3* Simple First Words series by Priddy Books (He
loves everything about this book such as the huge font, simple
photographs, & buttons that speak the word when he presses it. It's
great because I can leave it on the floor and he can't destroy it. Also
good for fine motor skills. Don't leave in the car because the plastic
behind the battery can warp and mess up the contact.)
3* Farm Animals , Wild Animals, Bugs & Insects, Sea Animals (a Touch & Learn series by Hinkler books) bright colors, bright clear photographs, big words and tactile stimulation. Not much of a story, but Jett loves these.
3* Farm Animals , Wild Animals, Bugs & Insects, Sea Animals (a Touch & Learn series by Hinkler books) bright colors, bright clear photographs, big words and tactile stimulation. Not much of a story, but Jett loves these.
2* Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews (Strangely written book and pictures are odd too. But, nice sized words and very simple, bright pictures. Jett enjoys this one a lot, although we don't. Good from the library!)
animals bright baby series by priddy books
Baby Food by Margaret Miller (Words are a little small, [but bigger than most books] but the photographs of babies are great.)
Baby Faces by Margaret Miller (Words are a little small, [but bigger than most books] but the photographs of babies are great.)
Lunch by Denise Fleming (Big, bold words. Fun, colorful, simple pictures a little too abstract for young babies.)
Read it, Don't Eat It! by Ian Schoenherr.
3* Can you Growl Like a Bear? by John Butler (Big words, but they are not straight in a line, mostly are curved, so may be a little bit harder to sight read. Fun to read w/rhyming and sound words; very nice animal illustrations, a little muted in color and detailed for the youngest of
A Potty for Me! by Karen Katz (Cute, bright pictures & large words. It would appear that the pages are sturdy enough for unsupervised reading, but Jett ripped them out, so you can't leave it accessible.)
Time For Bed by Mem Fox, Illustrated by Jane Dyer (Nice sized words, pictures are a bit detailed for young babies.)
3* Spots Feathers and Curly Tails by Nancy Tafuri (Nice big letters! Simple pictures. Story is a bit boring.)
Snowballs by Lois Ehlert (Some pages have great big words. Other pages are for older children. Super fun images.)
Happy Birthday Lulu! by Caroline Uff
Wolf's Coming! by Joe Kulka (Fairly big words. Colorful, detailed pictures.)
Spring is Here by Taro Gomi (Big words. Very simple pictures.)
Animal worlds : an early learning lift-the-flap book illustrated by
Helen Cann (Can't play with by themselves, may rip the flaps off.)
3* Hide and snake Keith Baker (Nice big words. Great pictures. Rhymes.)
4* Spot Goes to the Farm (etc.) by Eric Hill (Jett doesn't like the Spot books that say, "No!" when you open the flaps. But he enjoys all the other ones a lot.)
Shout! Shout it out! by Denise Fleming (Big, bold words. Fun, colorful, simple pictures, but maybe a little abstract for young babies. Also has capital ABCs and numbers, which is probably better for older children. Jett likes it so I go ahead and read it to him anyway.)
Mommy Hugs by Karen Katz (Big, bold words. Fun, colorful, simple pictures.)
Safari Animals & Polar Animals by Paul Hess (One big word per page. Pictures aren't simple, but Jett enjoys them.)
All the World by Liz Garton Scanlon and Marla Frazee (Big words with concepts that are not concrete. Nice, but detailed pictures.)
Where is the green sheep? by Mem Fox and Judy Horacek (Fairly big words. Simple pictures, but not very colorful.)
Do Monkeys Tweet? by Melanie Walsh (Big bold words. Simple pictures.)
4* Gallop! by Seder, Rufus Butler (Big, bold colorful words with sound words. Jett LOVES this book. It also has moving pictures which most kids would love but Jett just likes the words.)
Won't you be my Kissaroo? by Ryder, Joanne illustrated by Melissa Sweet. (Words are a little small w/detailed pictures. Better for older babies.)
2* On the Day You Were Born by Frasier, Debra (Not a story a baby could follow, but my husband enjoys reading it because it has nice sentiment and is meaningful to him; colorful, but abstract pictures; fairly large words, about 20-25 a page. For older babies or those with long attention spans. Won the 1991 Parent's Choice Award. It wouldn't win a baby's choice award, though!)
4* Tigger by Milne, A. A. (Alan Alexander) (Great big words! Original pictures in board book format.)
4* Gallop! by Seder, Rufus Butler (Big, bold colorful words with sound words. Jett LOVES this book. It also has moving pictures which most kids would love but Jett just likes the words.)
Won't you be my Kissaroo? by Ryder, Joanne illustrated by Melissa Sweet. (Words are a little small w/detailed pictures. Better for older babies.)
2* On the Day You Were Born by Frasier, Debra (Not a story a baby could follow, but my husband enjoys reading it because it has nice sentiment and is meaningful to him; colorful, but abstract pictures; fairly large words, about 20-25 a page. For older babies or those with long attention spans. Won the 1991 Parent's Choice Award. It wouldn't win a baby's choice award, though!)
dreaming by Elaine Greenstein (Big words with some numbers. Pictures that are a bit abstract and somewhat detailed for little ones. No faces or pictures of things that young babies could really identify.)
1* Odds and evens : a numbers book by Heidi Goennel (Not my favorite, but it does have big words.)
I Can Be Anything! by Jerry Spinelli
Snowflake Kisses and Gingerbread Smiles by Toni Trent Parker (Big words, nice photographs, a little wordy.)
The Very Best Daddy of All by Marion Dane Bauer
A Busy Day Big Hug Series by John Grace and Illustrated by Stuart Trotter (Fairly big words, simple pictures, about two words per page)
Snowflake Kisses and Gingerbread Smiles by Toni Trent Parker (Big words, nice photographs, a little wordy.)
The Very Best Daddy of All by Marion Dane Bauer
A Busy Day Big Hug Series by John Grace and Illustrated by Stuart Trotter (Fairly big words, simple pictures, about two words per page)
Carry-me pets by Bicknell, Joanna. (Touch and feel board book with fairly big words, great photographs and colorful, simple pictures.)
4* Rhinos Who Surf by Mammano, Julie. (Nice bold words. Some are all caps & the vocabulary is unique. Fun to read, but better for older babies. Great drawings.) Others in the series Rhinos Who Snowboard and Rhinos Who Skateboard. Maybe fun for older siblings to read to baby.
Hug a Bug by Spinelli Eileen and illustrated by Dan Andreasen. (Adorable drawings and fairly nice sized words. Rhymes, but I don't like the idea of advocating hugging people like the mailman and hairdresser... Just me...)
First the Egg (Cute idea, colorful, simple pictures.)
Maisy Dresses Up by Lucy Cousins (Big bold words and colorful pictures. Story a little boring. Surely the other Maisy books are more fun to read.)
Together by Jane Simmons (great to read aloud, fun story, nice pictures, big words, sturdy)
Baby Animals by Nicola Tuxworth (Big words, great photographs.)
My Shimmery Fun Time Book by Salina Yoon (Big words, one under every cute, simple picture.)
Deep in the Rainforest by Gwen Pascoe, Illustrated by Veronica Jefferis (Words are nice and big and repeat throughout the book. Pictures are detailed but they also separate the pictures from the words so you can talk about them.)
3* What Color? (Some words are decent sized, some small. Single sentence on a page with other pages that have words under the pictures. Nice clear photographs.)
4* The Beginner's Guide to Bears by Gillian Shields & Sebastien Braun (Has nice sized words, but it's a little wordy for younger babies. Cute pictures and is sturdy.)
If... by Sara Perry (Nice sized words, pictures are a bit detailed [and strange!] for young babies.)
1* Duck Song by Grahame, Kenneth (Big words, but a little awkward to read out loud. Drawings are colorful, but not very well done.)
Which would you rather be?
by Steig, William (Fairly big words, but not so interesting for little
listeners. Better for three year olds. Drawings are colorful and
Christmas Books
4* Spot's First Christmas by Eric Hill. Fun to read aloud this lift-a-flap board book, simple colorful pictures and big, bold words. Great for young babies.
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