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Why is my child constipated and what can I do about it?

What can I do about low muscle tone?

Are there any tips to help keep my child's mouth closed and tongue in?

What can I do to protect my child's hearing?

How can I help my baby crawl?

How can I find a good doctor?

What can I do about my child's small head circumference?

What can I do to help my child behave better?

My child's going to have heart surgery. What do I need to know?

What can I do to prepare for Heart Surgery/Hospital Stay?

What can I do to help my child's speech?

How do I figure out what supplements my child needs?

What do I need to know about vaccines and Down syndrome?

Which multivitamin should I get?

Are there natural ways to help with ADD & hyperactivity?

What can I do about my child's vision issues?

What can I do to help my child grow?

What lab tests should I ask for? What do they mean? How can I help get a good blood draw?

What is hypothyroidism and what can I do about it?

What can I do about Alzheimer's Disease like issues in my loved one with DS?

What blogs, forums, FB pages, websites and books do you recommend?

How do you find time to do all this? What is your schedule like?

Which prenatal supplements are best?

When will my child walk? What can I do to help?

Where do I start for information on prenatal care?

Where do I start for information on newborn care?  

Where do I start for information on my baby's care?

Where do I start for information on my child's care?

My loved one is an adult, where should I start?

What therapy is best for a child with Down syndrome?

Where can I learn about medical issues and DS?

What should I feed my loved one with DS?

What do I need to know about Celiac Disease?

What do I need to know about seizures?

What can we do about nystagmus?


  1. We've just started giving our 8 year-old daughter bacopa monera, 250mg twice a day (she weighs about 45 pounds). Do you think this is enough?

  2. Check out this post to find possible dosage and symptoms to look for:
    You can also go somewhere to get muscle testing (kinesology) from a chiropracter, etc. to find exact dosage.


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