
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Cure Tooth Decay & Gum Disease Naturally

At 15 months old, Jett has had teeth for less than three months, but his teeth actually came in with black/brown on them. His diet supports healthy teeth and bones including fermented cod liver oil and mineral-rich meat broths (which I did not add until he was 12 months old). He already avoids white sugar, flour and potatoes. He does drink breast milk at night, but that does not give babies cavities. I've found out since then that even though he had a mineral rich diet, he wasn't assimilating the minerals. I discovered this through NAET and also cleared Jett of this issue through NAET.

At 20 months old, his black spots are smaller and have turned light brown (so they are healing). The book, Cure Tooth Decay can teach you how to fix your family's teeth. Here is a really good video to get you started:

So, after some research, (see below) this was my strategy for curing Jett's tooth decay is to use an ionic toothbrush and brush his teeth with the tooth gel below mixed with xylitol and possibly a drop of black walnut (but, may rarely cause lung constriction, which Jett doesn't need). Or, I may just mix them into a bit of vitamin E oil and use that to brush his teeth. I will swab a small amount of white oak bark or fermented cod liver oil on his teeth before he sleeps as well.


Nature's Answer Black Walnut Green Hulls -- 1 fl oz

Dr Tungs Ionic Toothbrush System -- 1 Toothbrush

Dr Tungs Snap-On Toothbrush Sanitizer -- 2 Pack

Xlear Kid's Spry Tooth Gel with Xylitol -- 2 fl oz

Jarrow Formulas Xyli Pure® Xylitol -- 16 oz

Vitamin E

Update: Jett's 4 now and his dental regime is more precise. I'm using Heritage Essential Oils Tooth Suds Plague Defense and putting cod liver oil on his teeth at night. Next, I'll be teaching him how to do oil pulling to further strengthen his teeth. 

Interesting articles

Dental Health That You Can Really Smile About
(Sunshine Sharing Vol. 14 No. 2)
We don't usually think of nutrition and lifestyle as having that much of an effect on our teeth. In fact, we are generally lead to believe that dental health is based completely on whether or not we properly clean our teeth and gums. But there is a strong connection.

Were you aware that eating sticky white bread (and other refined foods) provided food for several species of Strep bacteria in your mouth?

Were you aware that when these bacteria get out of hand (out of mouth), they infected your blood vessels, made your blood sticky, and contribute to heart disease?

Were you aware that eating multigrain bread (and other whole foods) provides minerals that were transferred to your teeth via an unstable acid created by your breath and saliva and that this naturally remineralizes tooth enamel?

Were you aware that Dr. Weston Price, DDS, did extensive research in the 1930s which suggests that mineral deficiencies are the real cause of tooth decay, not dental plaque?
Native peoples he examined had no dental caries, in spite of the fact that their mouths were often caked with plaque, because they had mineral-rich diets?

Were you aware that there is enough mercury in a single amalgam tooth filling to pollute, according to official standards, a 10-acre lake?

The commercials tell us that coming home from the dentist with "only two cavities" is good news. Is dental disease inevitable like most people think? If we can heal a bruise, cut and even a broken bone, why can't we heal teeth, or at least do a better job of preventing decay?

The commercials tell us that milk is needed for strong teeth.
But Joel Knapp, DDS, reported that eliminating homogenized milk from his son's diet was the final key to eliminating his development of new cavities. This same dentist says, "We've had a lot of cases of gum disease that had no plaque at all. We found out that the person wasn't eating enough, wasn't getting enough sleep, and was under a lot of stress. There's a lot of gingivitis among people taking exams in college and among people getting a divorce."

Research Reports

In a survey by the American Academy of Periodontology, most dentists specializing in the treatment of gum disease believe that a well-balanced diet, including certain supplements, improves the health of teeth and gums. 75% of periodontists recommend vitamin C to their patients to strengthen connective tissue in gums.The American Academy of PeriodontologyGum disease maybe a more serious risk of heart disease and stroke than any other ~actor yet identified including hypertension, smoking, cholesterol, gender and age.California Dental Association Journal Vol. 28, No. 3, March 2000
In a 12-week pilot study, bleeding due to perionditosis was reduced by an average of 85% using a vitamin, mineral, and amino acid supplement.Matthias Rath, M.D., Health for the 21st Centurv, 2001
Natural Therapies for the Teeth and Gums

Herbal Packs and Rinses
An excellent way to use herbs to help dental problems, such as bleeding gums, toothaches, poor tooth enamel, gum infections and abscesses, is to apply them topically to teeth and gums using rinses and packs. Packs are made by moistening herb powders with a little water or Vitamin E to form a paste, which is placed against the affected area.
Tinctures or glycerites can also be applied topically by soaking a cotton ball in the solution and applying it to teeth or gums. Essential oils can be diluted in olive oil and applied directly to problem areas. Herbs can also be made into teas or decoctions and used as natural mouth washes or rinses. Tinctures and glycerites can be diluted and used in the same manner. The rinse is usually held in the mouth for up to several minutes and then spit out.
Echinacea provides a 1-2-3 punch for gum problems. Native Americans used it for dental problems including toothaches, sore gums, and "hollow teeth." Echinacea both stimulates the immune system and promotes wound healing. Some species of Echinacea contain a chemical that gives it a "tingly" taste that is a mild local anesthetic.NSP's Ultimate Echinacea is a liquid prepared from the roots of three species for the best results.
Licorice root has been found to reduce plaque and the development of cavities. It has a direct anti bacterial action, stimulates immune system function, and also promotes tissue healing. It seems custom-made for gum health.Other tissue healing herbs that have been used in this manner for tooth and gum problems include aloe vera, plantain, black walnut, white oak bark, and alfalfa.
Essential Oils
Many essential oils are directly antiseptic and will penetrate tissue to reach bacteria lodged in deeper areas. They are also "warming" and will encourage the flow of oxygen-carrying blood to improve the vitality of cells for improved self-protection and healing.
Clove Oil can be diluted with olive oil and applied topically to reduce pain in teething infants, dental abscesses, or after dental surgery. It is also disinfectant and antiseptic.
APS II with White Willow and Ultimate Echinacea can also be applied to abscesses to help relieve pain.Diluted Tea Tree Oil is also used to stimulate circulation and fight infection.
Astringent Herbs for Bleeding Gums
Astringent herbs will help to tighten gums and make teeth more firm in their sockets. White Oak Bark (or fresh oak leaves) is a commonly used astringent for bleeding gums and tooth decay. It can be made into a decoction and used as a mouth rinse, or it can be used as a tooth powder for brushing. Leave the herbs in the mouth for several minutes before rinsing to allow them time to work.
Although most of us wouldn't be this brave, herbalist Matthew Wood has applied white oak bark topically to dental carries, and claims they have healed without having to have them drilled and filled. At the very least, this suggests that brushing with white oak bark powder might strengthen enamel and prevent cavities. (I am trying this with Jett by applying it to his teeth with a wet swab before he goes to sleep.)
Vitamin C for Gum Disease

The lack of vitamin C was a problem for long-distance sailors who would develop scurvy, including loose teeth. According to Robert Genco, D.D. S., Ph.D., chair of the Oral Biology Department at The State University of New York at Buffalo, "The relationship between vitamin C and periodontal disease is likely due to vitamin C's role in maintaining and repairing healthy connective tissue along with its antioxidant properties...
Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disorder that increases tissue damage and loss. Since vitamin C is known as a powerful scavenger of reactive oxygen species, which form part of the body's antioxidant defense system, low levels of dietary vitamin C may compromise the body's ability to neutralize these tissue destructive oxidants."Vitamin C is actually part of an entire family of related chemicals. The vividly-colored red and blue fruits are very rich in these flavonoid nutrients. Bilberry fruit and Hawthorn fruit are especially well-known to stabilize collagen, the connective material needed for strong tissues.

Enzymes and Coenzymes
Enzymes help vital chemical reactions in the body to happen more efficiently. And any time that the body is able to do a better job of putting proteins together and taking them apart, it will do a better job of healing. Supplemental proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzymes will improve almost every growth, maintenance and repair function.High Potency Protease is a powerful source of these enzymes.Minerals are needed in order for the body to make enzymes. For instance, minerals such as zinc and magnesium are each required for hundreds of enzymes.
Vitamins are "coenzymes." They are essential nutrients that are not manufactured by the body but are needed to work with enzymes to keep us functioning. The best way to assure that you are receiving adequate amounts of these is with a high quality multiple vitamin/mineral supplement such as Super Supplemental.

A Clean Mouth is a Happy Mouth
The Basic Principles of Protecting Your Teeth for the Long Term: Don't Feed The Bacteria that Decay Your Teeth.
The bacteria that causes most dental caries (tooth decay) is Streptococcus mutans. As it happens, S. mutans thrives on sugar and starches. Consider a pastry or typical piece of sandwich bread. These are not only highly refined so that they turn to sugars quickly, but they are pasty and easily pack into the spaces between teeth.
Of course, one could choose to eat foods with more fiber and complex carbohydrates. Next, they should make a habit of promptly brushing and flossing. Information on this is easy to find. And, don't forget to also clean your tongue when you're taking care of your teeth.
The bottom line here is that the less food for the bacteria in your mouth, the less damage they will do. And, as if that weren't enough, the sugar in modern sweetened sodas and other beverages can reduce immune system function by half for several hours.
The Immune System's Role in Controlling DecayImmune system deficiencies will allow S. mutans bacteria to multiply more abundantly. On the other side of this situation, once persistent infections become established, such as with a buried abscess, they can overload and further degrade immune system function.
Herbs and formulas that support the immune system include Immune Stimulator, Olive Leaf Extract, Trigger Immune, and Echinacea/Golden Seal.
Silver Shield [Colloidal Silver] kills one-celled organisms, including a wide range of bacteria, within minutes of contact. It is often recommended for persistent low-grade infections. For a natural antiseptic mouth wash swish and hold a teaspoon of Silver Shield in your mouth for several minutes and then swallow what's left.
Coenzyme Q10 is a vitamin-like substance that occurs in every cell.It is an important part of cellular energy production. Although it is well known that Co Q10 supplementation increases the vitality of heart muscle tissue, the gums (which are made of very similar tissue) also benefit greatly from Co Q10.
What if, instead of progressive, unstoppable tooth decay, teeth enamel could repair itself? Of course, it would not happen overnight. And, whatever the process, it would have to be strong enough to overcome the existing processes that are contributing to demineralization.
Demineralization is produced by strong, stable acids eating away at the crystal mineral matrix of the enamel of the teeth. These acids can come from acidic foods, but the acids produced by oral bacteria are a much more serious problem. These bacteria thrive when they are fed sugars and starches and when the immune system fails to keep them I under control.
To reverse the process, eat mineral-rich, unprocessed foods.These interact with carbonic acid, a weak, unstable acid created by carbon dioxide in our breath and water in our saliva. Because it easily converts back to carbon dioxide and water, this acid easily leaves mineral deposits in the enamel.For this process to work, the proper conditions must be created reliably: Minerals must be richly available in our foods. We must spend enough time chewing our food. The process must not be overwhelmed by acidic bacterial wastes or acidic beverages such as sodas or coffee.
Dr. John Christopher claimed that the mineral-rich herb alfalfa would help to rebuild tooth enamel if the bowel was clean. Many people have found that brushing with a mixture of white oak bark, black walnut bark and alfalfa leaf powders has helped to strengthen their tooth enamel and make their teeth more resistant to decay. These and other mineral-rich herbs can also be taken internally to help jaw bones and teeth repair themselves in cases of severe periodontal disease. I tried alfalfa leaf extract with Jett is it cause much stomach distress. He vomited several times and was in pain off and on for 48 hours!!
Ionic minerals are also very helpful for gums, bones and tooth enamel. They can be taken internally and also used as a mouth wash.

About Toothpaste...
Did you know that most modern toothpastes contain sugar?Most also contain fluoride, a substance which has a very negative impact on our health.
For a healthier alternative try toothpastes that contains natural polishing agents, minerals, and herbs such as aloe vera, golden seal and Iceland moss for healing and tightening gum tissues. For extra help with gum and tooth problems, add a little extra black walnut powder.

What about Fluoride?

Fluorine is an unstable, highly reactive element. It aggressively binds to minerals to form "fluoride" salts. The forms of fluoride added to treated water will seek calcium phosphate in the body and react with it, becoming calcium fluoride.Artificial fluoride has been called "the most exclusive bone seeking element in the body."The result of this chemical reaction is a new chemical structure that truly is harder than the original. On the other hand, it is also more brittle.Some scientific studies have indicated that fluoridated water does not affect tooth decay rates for permanent teeth. In one study, where decay rates for "baby teeth" was seen to be reduced by fluoridated water, the researchers concluded that the reduced number of cavities was actually because fluoride seemed to delay initial tooth eruption!
Additional documented effects of fluoride include skeletal fluorosis, (which includes abnormal calcium deposits), increased hip fractures, immune system inhibition, and increased risk of bone cancer.
Nature's Spring Reverse Osmosis water filter removes mineral salts including about 80% of fluorides.
By the way, green tea contains a small amount of natural fluorine that does strengthen tooth enamel.

What about Mercury?

Mercury has been used in modern dentistry (since the early 1800s) in an amalgam for filling dental cavities. There is growing concern that, although these fillings are relatively stable, they may release enough mercury into the body to cause health problems. Mercury is toxic. It can suppress immune system function. It is especially toxic to the central nervous system and can cause problems including mental instability, fatigue, weakness, and numbness. It may contribute to demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and amyotrophitt lateral sclerosis (ALS). (A "myelin sheath" protects nerves and helps them to function efficiently.)
The nervous system is especially vulnerable to mercury toxicity while it is still developing.
An amalgam filling typically contains about half a gram of mercury. For comparison purposes, that is enough, under existing laws, to contaminate a 10-acre lake and require fish advisories.
There are now many safer alternatives to amalgam fillings. Be sure to ask your dentist about your options.
Heavy Metal Detox is an herbal formula that contains nutrients that bind heavy metals and remove them from the body. A high-fiber diet will also help carry away this and other excreted wastes.

ABC+D Approach to Natural Healing Correspondence Course, Tree of Light Institute, 2002 Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalism 5(4):9, Dec. 1993Mercury Heavy Metal Toxicity and Mercury in Dentistry, Nature's Field, Vol. 18 No 6, Nov/Dec 2002
Natural Health Notebook, Health Education Library Publications, 2001
Dominic Bosco, New Solutions to Old Problems, Prevention Magazine, October 1978

White Oak Bark

The Side Effects of Taking White Oak Bark


White oak bark, coming from the Quercus alba tree, originates in the eastern United States and is used primarily to treat symptoms such as diarrhea, poor digestion, hemorrhoids, inflammation, strep throat, ulcers, varicose veins, skin problems and nosebleeds. The substances in white oak bark that contain beneficial properties are tannins and quercetin, which work primarily in the immune system. White oak bark is also a source of dietary manganese, zinc and calcium, however, they are found only in small amounts.
Dosage Instructions

White oak bark is not a substance that has had much conclusive lab testing done on it. suggests that there has been no proven dosage to cure any ailment. However, experience with using white oak bark as a natural treatment has left some guidelines depending on the problem being treated. For digestion ailments, 1 oz. of the bark is combined with 1 quart of water and then boiled down to a pint to create a substance that is then ingested at no more than about a cup a day for up to three or four days. For a sore throat, the same recipe instructs you to gargle the substance in your throat rather than swallow it. Alternatively, oak bark is also made into a topical solution by mixing a finely ground powder with water and straining the solution. Topical use is not recommended beyond two to three weeks. There is no known safe dosage for children, and use for those under 18 is not recommended.

Thyroid Hormone MDs The Most Highly Trained Physicians in Bioidentical Thyroid Hormones.

Safety Concerns

There are quite a few safety concerns with white oak bark. Although it is a natural substance, there are many possible cautionary steps to take. Those with an allergy to oak trees, tree pollen or peanuts are discouraged from using this botanical. Some instances of intestinal irritation, nausea and vomiting have been reported with high dose uses and continual use past the recommended time frame. Plants including white oak bark that contain equal to or more than 10 percent of tannins have caused tissue problems in the liver. Those with liver dysfunctions are not recommended to use white oak bark. Other conditions or symptoms that would indicate that white oak bark should be avoided include pregnancy, breastfeeding, kidney problems, heart conditions. Also, avoid using white oak bark topically in an area where there is skin damage.
Drug Interactions

The active ingredients in oak bark include tannins and quercetin. According to Dr. Alan Gaby in his book, ''A-Z Guide to Drug-Herb-Vitamin Interactions,'' interactions associated with white oak bark can occur. Tannins may increase when drinking tea made from white oak bark is combined with sodium flouride being taken for dental purposes, however, more research is needed. The narcotic pain reliever known as codeine has a significant reaction with tannins, as it is not absorbed as well and would have less of its originally intended effect on a patient. Those taking codeine should avoid white oak bark. With regards to the quercetin content of white oak bark, there are some concerning interactions. Those taking cyclosporine, an immune system suppressant, should avoid taking oak bark supplements due to an animal study that was done with negative but ultimately inconclusive evidence. Physician supervision is recommended in that case. Those taking estradiol should avoid white oak bark since the quercetin has been seen to tamper with the body's ability to metabolize and assimilate the synthetic estrogenic qualities of this medication. Lastly, those taking felodipine for blood pressure or congestive heart failure should avoid taking oak bark, as it causes an adverse interaction that prevents the medication from working properly.

Vitamin and Mineral Interactions

White oak bark does contain some essential dietary minerals, such as manganese, calcium and zinc. While these minerals are very useful in the body, taking sudden doses of them along with ingesting white oak bark may create some imbalances in the body. Manganese is a mineral that is known to interact with oral contraceptives and a medication called ciprofloacin, which is prescribed for bacterial infections. Calcium is a tricky substance that interacts both positively and negatively with many drugs. The effects of calcium on drugs, however, depends largely on individual health status and the presence of other vitamins that calcium absorption is dependent on. Consult a physician for individual concerns with calcium in white oak bark. Zinc, much like calcium, is a substance that can have an effect on many different kinds of prescription medications and vitamin absorption issues. A physician must be consulted to determine individual concerns specific to your current health status.

Read more:
Black Walnut - Benefits and Side Effects

Black Walnut Leaves and Nuts
(Juglans nigra)

Health Benefits, Therapeutic Uses and Claims of Black Walnut

Active ingredients in the black walnut hull include omega-3 fatty acids, sterols, tannins and iodine. Black walnut shells are very rich in vitamin C; and beta-carotene, B1, B2, and B6 are found in the leaves. The tannins in the walnut hull are antibacterial, anticancer, antidiarrheic, antihepatoxic, chelator, antihypertensive, antitumor, cancer preventive, antiulcer. Iodine is antiseptic and antibacterial. The bark and leaves of the black walnut are alterative, anodyne, astringent, blood tonic, detergent, emetic, laxative, pectoral and vermifuge.

Black walnut is especially useful in the treatment of skin diseases such as herpes and eczema. Traditionally it is used as a natural remedy for acne, canker sores, psoriasis and other fungal infections. Externally it has been used for skin complaints such as jock itch, ringworm, athlete’s foot, blisters, scabbing pruritis, varicose ulcers, and even syphilis sores.
The juice of the fruit husk may be applied externally as a treatment for ringworm, or applied as a poultice for inflammations.
The oil from the ripe nuts is a traditional remedy for gangrene, leprosy and wounds.
Black walnut is believed to be very beneficial as a remedy for poor digestion or diarrhea. It has been used as a natural laxative and is believed to be helpful for cleaning the intestinal tract..
Black walnut is used in traditional herbal medicine to expel worms, parasites and harmful pathogens from the body. It is suggested that the natural tannins present in black walnut alters the pH of the intestine which may help in killing fungus, parasites and yeast, and expel worms and parasites.
Studies have shown that black walnut may be useful in treating cell damage caused by liver injury due to exposure to certain environmental toxins such as carbon tetrachloride.
The nuts of the black walnut are believed to aid in decreasing cholesterol levels and to improve overall heart health and function.
The iodine in black walnut shells has antiseptic properties which can increase the immune system’s response time when fighting bacteria and infection.
Some studies have shown that black walnut significantly reduced total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations, and may be useful as a treatment for high blood pressure. It is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to heart health.
The nuts of black walnut may be helpful as a natural control for diabetes, due to the Omega-3 fatty acids which lower the level of triglycerides (bad cholesterol) and increase the level of HDL (good cholesterol) which in turn may help in controlling the level of sugar in the blood.
The presence of Omega-3 fatty acids in fruit of the black walnut can help reduce inflammation and promote the function of the lungs; this may give relief from asthma.
The presence of juglone, omega-3 fatty acids, phytosterols, polyphenols, carotenoids and melatonin in black walnut may have anti-tumor properties which may help in the treatment of cancer.

Dosage and Administration

Commercially available tablets or capsules contain usually around 500 mg - 1000 mg of powdered black walnut. The oral doses are generally taken three times a day but no longer than 6 weeks because of the high tannin content of black walnut. Otherwise the manufactures instructions should be followed carefully.
Side Effects and Possible Interactions of Black Walnut

In rare cases, black walnut may cause rashes, swollen skin, hives and skin irritation. Rarely, chest pain, tightness of the airways, and breathing difficulties have been associated with the use of black walnut. Black walnut is not advised for use during pregnancy or while breast feeding. It may interact with certain medications, so always inform your health care professional of any medications, vitamins or herbs that you are taking. Be sure to get your herbs and supplements from a reputable source to ensure you are getting a high quality product.

Alfalfa Leaf, (Medicago sativa)
C/S & Powder
Properties and Uses: Alternative, nutritive, internal deodorant. Alfalfa aids in the assimilation of protein, fats and carbohydrates. It reduces blood cholesterol and arterial plaque deposits. It contains high amounts of chlorophyll which causes its deodorant qualities. Alfalfa is very high in trace minerals. Source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that decrease the incidence and severity of inflammation. It also contains the eight digestive enzymes and the eight essential amino acids of protein. It is very rich in Vitamin U, used for peptic ulcers. Also used as a blood thinner.

WARNING Consuming large quantities of Alfalfa saponins may cause breakdown of red blood cells, causing bloating in livestock. thus weight gain).
I tried alfalfa leaf extract with Jett, and, as mentioned above, it cause much stomach distress. He vomited several times and was in pain off and on for 48 hours!!

From a forum post (not mine):
Xylitol (not the mouth rinse). Buy the "packets" like sugar comes in.

Xylito is extracted from birch trees (wood grain alcohol) but you will think it is sugar (but it is not sugar! )"taste Great"too!

When I can't brush I even pour on tongue and crunch the granules up in between my teeth and swish the product thoroughly around and between my teeth for about three or four minutes then spit.

In the AM and PM simply pour the packet in palm of hand dip a "dry" tooth brush in the xylitol power and brush (no water needed) A flood of natural saliva will kick in and do the work!

Warning: Xylitol is safe for humans but is highly toxic to our pets. This has to do with their liver function.

No kidding I have found that xylitol will erase small cavities and will stop a large cavity in its tracks allowing the dental hole to actually fill itself naturally to a great extent and repair itself to a large degree in a very short time span.

I have also found any large decay that might be left behind stops growing immediately and becomes hard and useful for chewing again.

PS: You will also immediately notice a pinker tongue and fresher breath the very next morning you awake.

$60 bucks or so will currently buy a years supply of pure xylitol in small paper packets (just like sugar on a restaurant table is packed. )
And for me $60 is cheaper than a dental bill and drill any day.

Stick with it because xylitol begins working day one by stripping (all) of the tarter away from teeth. Therefore the bacteria that feed on that tarter have no way to grow. This means there is no acid left behind on the tooth enamel which is what causes a cavity to form in the first place! (whitens too with out harming enamel)"

Tung's IONIC Toothbrush System

DrTung's IONIC toothbrush may be 'the most advanced toothbrush in the world'!
Unlike regular toothbrushes which try to force plaque off the teeth by friction, the IONIC brush makes the teeth let go of plaque, like turning off a magnet!

Plaque gets released even in hard to reach areas! It is clinically proven to be far more effective than a regular toothbrush and users report cleaner, whiter teeth and little or no plaque when visiting their dentist! It really works!

Actually, the whole object of brushing your teeth is to remove plaque, right? But a recent independent report showed that ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES - including SONICARE - do not remove significantly more plaque than a regular manual toothbrush! Yet the Ionic toothbrush has been clinically shown to remove 36% more plaque than a manual brush!

That's why over 5 million have been sold in Japan, Europe and the USA! Many health-conscious consumers prefer the Ionic toothbrush over an electric toothbrush: silent, small and ready-to-use anywhere it doesn't need a charger or adapter.

"As a periodontist I know what a plaque-free tooth should feel like. I have found that difficult to reach molar areas are much cleaner, and my mouth tastes so much better since using the Ionic toothbrush."

D.E. Van Scotter, DDS
Hot Springs, Arkansas

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Pulmonary Hypertension: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

At Jett's last cardiologist visit, she said that he may have pulmonary hypertension since his heart defect wasn't discovered until he was almost 6 months old and it may have overtaxed his lungs permanently. (The reason why his heart condition was not spotted earlier is because my pediatrician at the time assured me that his heart was fine, [since he had no symptoms] but I insisted he get his heart checked anyway. I wish I had insisted earlier!! But, we can't go back in time.)

She's going to check him again in 3 months to decide if she should officially diagnose him. She says nothing can be done and I don't like what I've been reading about it.

Update: At Jett's last visit, the cardiologist was relieved to see that Jett's lungs are healing and his PH is correcting itself. I have added Vitamin C (he's up to 4,000 mg a day) and magnesium to his daily supplements.

Anyone dealing with this? Can anything be done to strengthen the small arteries of the lung so they aren't so narrow? Jett has no symptoms: no snoring, never been sick, no shortness of breath, not turning blue, full of energy, not particularly weak (and don't know if he is light headed).

These are the responses I got as well as research I've collected so far:

- CoQ10 Coenzyme Q10 at a dose of 200 - 600 mg per day showed benefits to those with PAH. See for details. helps improve circulation based on individual biochemistry. Need those good minerals and electrolytes in place to help the body heal. Fundamental!
Mom, Ali's experience

My son was diagnosed at birth and still has it. Some of our kids grow out of it. Not my little guy, but he is riding steady with it. He is on oxygen at night. He never turns blue even though his sats SAY he is below 90%. He is on revacio (viagra). Some kids go on traclear, but it is damaging to the liver.

I used to let PH rule my fears. Now, I just let it go because no matter how much I worry, it will run its course. After 9 years....I had to stop worrying. Easy for me to say though.

The cardiologist says it isn't a cardiac problem. The pulmonologist says it isn't a lung issue. Go figure...

I do have to say this - my son does tire easily. He has to use a wheel chair when we go places. IDN if it has anything to do with his PH. He can't tolerate heat. BUT, he was on a vent and had a trach from birth because of the PH. So, we are sooo far from that - we are grateful.

I don't know if I helped you in any way. I know when I asked folks...about PH, nothing ANYONE said calmed my fears. Only time did.

If it were me.... along with monitoring things with the cardiologist and a good preferably naturopathic MD.... I'd be using CO Q10 in a hefty dose and also some policosanol. Garlic is good too and there is probably a host of other supports in certain foods and supps. Jack has had CO Q10 daily for years. I'd try to consult with someone well-versed in supplement support... perhaps a TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) practitioner?

What is pulmonary hypertension?

Also Called 'Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension', 'Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension'

Pulmonary hypertension is a rare lung disorder in which the arteries that carry blood from the heart to the lungs become narrowed, making it difficult for blood to flow through the vessels. As a result, the blood pressure in these arteries -- called pulmonary arteries -- rises far above normal levels. This abnormally high pressure strains the right ventricle of the heart, causing it to expand in size. Overworked and enlarged, the right ventricle gradually becomes weaker and loses its ability to pump enough blood to the lungs. This could lead to the development of right heart failure.

Why do the pulmonary arteries narrow?

Scientists believe that the process starts with injury to the layer of cells that line the small blood vessels of the lungs. This injury, which occurs for unknown reasons, may cause changes in the way these cells interact with the smooth muscle cells in the vessel wall. As a result, the smooth muscle contracts more than normal and narrows the vessel.

What are the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension?

Symptoms of pulmonary hypertension do not usually occur until the condition has progressed. The first symptom of pulmonary hypertension is usually shortness of breath with everyday activities, such as climbing stairs. Fatigue, dizziness, and fainting spells also can be symptoms. Swelling in the ankles, abdomen or legs; bluish lips and skin, and chest pain may occur as strain on the heart increases. Symptoms range in severity and a given patient may not have all of the symptoms.

In more advanced stages of the disease, even minimal activity will produce some of the symptoms. Additional symptoms include irregular heart beat (palpitations or strong, throbbing sensation), racing pulse, passing out or dizziness, progressive shortness of breath during exercise or activity, and difficulty breathing at rest. Eventually, it may become difficult to carry out any activities as the disease worsens.

In addition to the heart defects associated with Down Syndrome, isolated elevated blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension) is seen with higher frequency in patients with Down syndrome. This high pressure may be related to malformation of the lung tissue, although the exact cause is not known.

The higher pressures may limit the amount of blood flow to the lungs and therefore decrease the likelihood of symptoms of congestive heart failure seen in babies with complete AV canals or large ventricular septal defects.

However, since the pulmonary hypertension can become irreversible, particularly if these large holes are not surgically corrected by a year of age, children with Down syndrome and AV canals or large ventricular septal defects are often referred for surgery earlier than a non-Down syndrome child with the same heart defect.

If the baby does have evidence of high pressures in the lungs, it may complicate postoperative management and hence prolong the recovery time.

Children with Down syndrome (DS) are at an increased risk of developing pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) due to multiple factors: congenital heart disease (CHD) with persistent left-to-right shunts, chronic upper airway obstruction, abnormal pulmonary vasculature growth, alveolar hypoventilation, and recurrent pulmonary infections. Congenital cardiac defects are reported in 19-43% of cases. With the common lesion is an endocardial cushion defect in 43%. DS and CHD seem to develop PAH at a faster rate and have persistent disease after cardiac surgery compared to non-DS patients with similar defects. The upper airway obstruction is common in DS due to midfacial hypoplasia, macroglossia, narrowing of the nasopharynx, tonsillar and adenoidal enlargement, laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, and congenital malformations of the larynx and trachea. The incidence of OSA was reported to be in a range of 30-50%. Exacerbating factors including obesity and gastroesophageal reflux may contribute to the occurrence of sleep apnea. In this report, I review the causes of pulmonary hypertension in this population, and its management.

Natural Treatments


Certain mineral supplements are helpful that will protect against lipid peroxidation, which means fats becomes oxidizes and hardens such as selenium yeast supplements, usually 200 mcg a day, certain supplements added such as granulated lecithin 1 tablespoon a day to 3 tablespoons a day. The fat emulsifiers such as sunflower lecithin will further help dissolve the fat increasing circulation, but at the same time lecithin will help normalize the cellular makeup of the veins to become more elastic also.

Another remedy that help is to remove heavy metals, which is responsible for lipid peroxidation of the fats, leading to plaques, clogged veins, arteries, and capillaries. Therefore cilantro, or chlorella, may be helpful, but it's usually taken once every two days, so that the body would not be overloaded with heavy metals and allow the gatekeeper, the kidneys to slowly remove out of the system, as the metal chelators line up to get out from the system via the kidney or sometimes the intestines. To further increase circulation certain herbs such as gingko and asia pennyworth is taken. These help rebuild the capillaries and damaged systems. For the body to regenerate itself some aloe vera juice is occasionally taken, such as twice or three times a week.

Primarily raw vegetables are preferred, either in the form of salads, soups, but vegetables should not be overcooked to preserve the enzymes and vitamins. In this instances some fruits, followed by a mild exercise to burn off the sugar is possible, but I think 30 minutes is the bare minimum after meals, but ideally 1 hour. A slow walk or other mild form of exercise can be done also. I believe some vitamin C is important in protecting pulmonary problems too but I prefer sodium ascorbate 1000 mg, usually once every other day day should be a reasonable dose.

The cirrhosis of liver that is one of the effects of pulmonary hypertension will also be reduced with the granulated lecithin, as well as the selenium which prevents further lipid peroxidation too. [Andi's note: be sure to get selenium levels checked before supplementing.] Magnesium supplements (without the calcium) such as magnesium glycinate, should tip over the excessive calcium found in the tissue.

Furthermore, the use of 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 glass of water, or a stronger alkalizing baking soda of 1/2 teaspoon twice a day will also help remove some excessive fats, as vinegar has a component which dissolves the fat, but the baking soda, because of its alkalinity, acts as a very weak soap also to remove the excessive fat buildup which may lead to pulmonary hypertension just the same.

Magnesium is also needed, and is a common deficiency will offset the excessive calcium deposits which might cause either arterial or venous inflexibility due to calcium deposits, leading to hypertension also. If calcium buildup did cause this kind of hypertension, then adding disodium EDTA for example, instead of calcium EDTA, of 1/8 teaspoon in one liter of drinking water should also remove excessive calcium buildup this way. This might be taken once every two days, for example. Magnesium will lead to reduce muscle pain as it relaxes both the muscles, but also the arterial blood flows. If these are more relaxed, then pulmonary hypertension are reduced.

However, in my opinion disodium EDTA is a bit too acid for it to work effectively so I might add 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda also, plus 1/8 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate to the solution. Potassium is often low in a pulmonary hypertension so the ratio of sodium: potassium is just 1: 1, with baking soda at 1/8 teaspoon and potassium bicarbonate at 1/8 teaspoon also. It should be noted that free metal iron accumulates in the heart which may lead to heart disease, and it is some small amount of EDTA which will reduce this iron buildup protecting the heart against free radicals of free metal iron too.

It should be noted that whenever a vegetarian diets is used, that common table salt be avoided and replaced with unbleached sea salt instead, and some sea salt 1/4 teaspoon is added in one liter of drinking water, as vegetarian diets are generally potassium rich anyway and many people I have found may not adapt very well to high potassium diets and hence some sea salt is added just enough that the body doesn't end up with the lack of sodium, which can lead to another problem altogether, such as weaknesses. [Andi's note: Many heart medications interact with potassium rich foods. I know either Enalapril or Digoxin does interact. Be sure to check the labels and ask your pharmacist.]

Bill from San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines replies: "Hi Ivette...Here is another suggestion that may well help your condition. It is based on the Linus Pauling Heart Therapy. It is a very cheap and easy approach to getting rid of arterial plaque which was proved by the research from Linus Pauling. Here is the protocol:
6 GRAMS of Vitamin C (as sodium ascorbate) per day
6 GRAMS of Lysine (an amino acid) per day
This is a daily protocol.
Best to split these large doses into 3 or 6 doses a day. You can purchase Vitamin C and Lysine at any health shop fairly cheaply. Put simply and without going into detail, the way this remedy works is that the Vitamin C helps to scrape off and get rid of the arterial plaque -- called or referred to as "Arterial Scurvy" by Pauling -- and the lysine just stops it forming again.
The reason you probably haven't heard of this heart therapy protocol is that it has been widely ignored and suppressed for the last 20 years by the drugs companies. They don't like the fact that people can cure heart disease so easily and cheaply, this robs the medical fraternity of the tremendous profits made from both their heart drugs and bypass surgery.
But now, through independent researchers testing the validity and efficacy of Linus Pauling's research conclusions and therapy, more peer reviewed research are confirming Pauling's conclusions and therapy as a truly successful way to treat heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Here is an article that explains this well:
Vitamin C, Linus Pauling was right all along. A doctor's opinion
And here, in his own words, is an audio recording by Linus Pauling describing testimonials and results that he himself has obtained using his simple Vitaminc/Lysine therapy against heart disease and arterial plaque:
The Pauling Therapy with Testimonials -- by Linus Pauling (Audio recording)
(Taken from The Pauling-Therapy Website )
Pauling himself took between 10 - 12 GRAMS of Vitamin C and Lysine daily, and he lived into his nineties without heart problems.
From my own research of the testimonials, using this Pauling Therapy should give beneficial and noticeable results within 2 weeks to a month."
Krista from Lachine, Michigan writes: "I'm reading these posts and would like to know if this mullen, lobelia and hyssop tea would help someone with primary pulmonary hypertension? My mom has had it for about 6 years and has trouble breathing when she exerts herself, sometimes just making the bed is difficult for her. Or maybe someone has some other ideas? Krista"

EC: Krista is referring to Jack's Emphysema remedies.


10/16/2010: Mrs from Washington, Dc replies: "No, your mother should be on a regimen of PDE-5 inhibitors, endothelin antagonists and prostinoids, the only demonstrated treatment for pulmonary hypertension."
If you want to find out more about PPH check out this wonderful, supportive website."

03/30/2011: Kc from Ny, Ny/usa replies: "J in San Diego: as bad as it seems there is reason for hope. There are some very exciting research results coming from labs that study rats and mice with PH created in the lab. These animals show the same cellular changes and heart and lung changes as patients. A research team in Quebec found a specific protein that is only found in pulmonary artery of rats and people with PH. The protein was shown to cause cells in blood vessel walls to grow out of control and block blood flow into lung. They used drugs that block the protein and found them to reverse PH in lab animals. The drugs are soon being tested for safety and it is predicted trials will start in human PH patients in less than two years."



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Get Your Own Neurodevelopmentalist

Here are links to programs near you to help your child with neurodevelopment:

United States 

Master level, Certified Neurodevelopmental Consultants

Kay Ness (Jett's ND)
SENC, Southeastern Neurodevelopmental Consultants

Phone: (770) 619-9843

Evaluation sites: Atlanta, GA; Orlando area, FL

Linda Kane
Hope and A Future, Inc.

Phone: (801) 395-1979
E-mail: Linda Kane

Evaluation sites: Naperville, IL; Shawnee, KS; Baton Rouge, LA; Annapolis, MD; Westminster (Greater Boston Area), MA; Minneapolis, MN; Waimana, Oahu, HI; Jackson, TN; Greater Dallas Area, Austin, and Midland, TX; Ogden, UT; Anacortes,WA; Sun Prairie, WN
Phone: (972) 758-1260
Evaluation sites: Austin, Dallas, Del Rio, Houston, Marble Falls and San Antonio,
Cyndi Ringoen
CAN-DO: Christian Access to Neuro-Developmental Organization
Phone: (509) 276-7756
Evaluation sites: Fairbanks, AK; Anaheim, CA; Dayton, OH; Ann Arbor, MI; Three Rivers, MI; Modesto, CA; Anacortes, WA; Seattle, WA; Spokane, WA; New York, NY
Marilee Nicoll Coots
Help With Learning Neuroeducational Consulting
Phone: (760) 378-4357
Evaluation sites: Bakersfield, CA; Anaheim,
CA; Modesto, CA; Weldon, CA; San Diego, CA; Portland, OR; Tucson, AZ
Elizabeth Harms
Hope Centre for NeuroEducational Development
Phone: (306) 383-4113

Evaluation sites: Saskatchewan, Canada

Alison Wimmer  
Developmental and Behavioral Consultants
Phone: (801) 458-3036
Locations: Will travel. Regularly visits Washington D.C.; Chicago, IL/Milwaukee, WI; Eden, UT and areas in Canada.

The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential
8801 Stenton Avenue
Wyndmoor, PA 19038
Telephone: (215) 233-2050
Fax: 215-233-9312

NACD National Headquarters
549 25th Street
Ogden, Utah 84401
(801) 621-8606 PHONE
(801) 621-8389 FAX
Locations: Charlottesville, VA; Greater Philadelphia Area, Pennsylvania; Greater Los Angeles Area, California; Phoenix, Arizona; Sacramento, California; Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Orlando, FL; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; St. Louis, MO; Greater Dallas Area, TX; Seattle, WA; Cincinnati, OH; Greater; Milwaukee Area, WI; Boise, ID; Minneapolis, MN

Professional Level
Marcia Blackwood
Neuroeducational Consultants of Indiana

Phone: (317) 375-1775
Marcia Blackwood
Evaluation sites: Indianapolis, IN
Ruth Young
Little Giant Steps

Phone: (972) 758-1260
E-mail: Ruth Young
Evaluation sites:
Austin, TX; Dallas, TX; Houston, TX; Marble Falls, TX; San Antonio, TX

Associate Level
Maggie Dail 
Master Enterprises Learning Center
Phone: (253) 581-1588 E-mail: Maggie Dail 
Evaluation sites: Western Washington and Colorado

Stephanie Lankhorst Step By Step 
Phone: (231) 652-1797 
Evaluation sites: Grand Rapids, MI and Fremont, MI

Ronda Dupea
Phone: (360) 293-6284
Evaluation site:
Anacortes, WA.

Elizabeth Harms 
Hope Centre for NeuroEducational Development
Phone: (306) 383-4113
E-mail: Hope Centre

Evaluation sites:
Saskatchewan, Canada
Vancouver Island and Vernon (Kelowna BC area)
British Columbia, Nanaimo
British Columbia
Lower Mainland, Greater Vancouver area (exact location to be determined)

Sylvia Funk
PATHWAYS for NeuroEducational Development

Phone: (403) 995-4411
E-mail: Sylvia Funk

Evaluation Sites: Okotoks, Alberta, Canada and Saskatchewan, Canada

The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential 
8801 Stenton Avenue
Wyndmoor, PA 19038
Telephone: (215) 233-2050
Fax: 215-233-9312

Associate Level
Sylvia Funk
PATHWAYS for NeuroEducational Development  
Phone: (403) 995-4411
E-mail: Sylvia Funk

Evaluation Sites: Okotoks, Alberta, Canada and Saskatchewan, Canada


Ian Hunter
Neuro-Developmental Therapy Programs
P.O. Box 1075
St Kilda South, Victoria, 3182, Australia
Telephone /fax 03 9534 8734
author of Brain-Injury-Tapping the Potential Within
published by Hill of Content.

The Australian Institute for the Achievement of Human Potential
 P.O. Box 248
Mount Eliza
Victoria, 3930
Tel: 01061-3-97871246

Doman Kenkyusho, Tokyo Office
Registar:Mitsue Noguchi 
RayKay Minami-aoyama Building
5-4-29 Minami-aoyama
Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-0062
Tel: 81-3-3797-5950
FAX: 81-3-3797-5963

Doman Kenkyusho, Kobe Office
Registrar: Futami Kitagawa
7-1-10-203 Dainichi-dori
Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi
Hyogo 651-0064
Tel: 81-78-251-3240
FAX: 81-78-251-3612


The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, Europe O.N.L.U.S.
President: Douglas Doman
Administrative Assistant: Graziana Ceccanti ( E-mail: )
Registrar: Alessandra Bettini ( E-mail: )
Istituti per il Raggiungimento del Potenziale Umano, Europa O.N.L.U.S.
Via delle Colline di Lari, 6
56043 Fauglia, Pisa
Telephone: (39) 050-650 237
FAX: (39) 050-659 081
Antonio DiMeglioCecco Angiolieri 26
53-100 Siena
Telephone: (39) 0577-287956


Los Institutos para el Logro del Potencial Humano,
Oficina Latinoamerica, A.C.®

Elisa Guerra Cruz, Director
Paseo de la Soledad 302
Misión del Campanario
Aguascalientes , Ags. 20118
Telephone: (449) 996-0945
Fax: (449) 996-0944
Ma. Guadalupe Aguayo, Course Materials


The National
NACD International Chapters
Guatemala City, Guatemala

The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, Central America
Asociacion Para El Desarrollo Cerebral Del Niño-Adeceni
Marlene Marckwordt de Penados, President
Km. 30 carretera a Antigua-CENSI
San Lucas Sacatepequez, Guatemala
Telephone: (502) 7830-4278, (502) 7830-1362
Fax: (502) 7830 4278


The Glenn Doman Baby Programs PTE LTD
Lawerence Lee & Katherine Wee
28 Sin Ming Lane, #03-131
Midview City, Singapore 573972
Tel: +65 64563526
Fax: +65 65561323


The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Registrar: Sandra Rocha
Centro De Reabilitacao Nossa Senhora da GloriaTM
Rua Humaitá 45
Botafogo CEP 22260-170
Rio de Janeiro, R.J.
Tel: (55) 21-539-1997
Tele/FAX: (55) 21-286-9291


The Friends of the Institutes in Madrid
Administrator: Mrs. Natividad Vara de Tenacio
C/ Bahi­a 25
28008 Madrid
Telephone/Fax: 91-542-3938


The Friends of the Institutes in Paris
President: Janicka Bassis
10 avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
92270 Bois-Colombes
Telephone: 08 71 77 79 26
Fax: 33 1 47 85 03 92


NACD India Center
5803, Ground floor
DLF phase IV
Gurgaon - 122022
Haryana, India
+91 9810339002 PHONE
New Delhi, India

The Bahamas
The NACD Bahamas Chapter


Stichting Hulp voor Kinderen met Hersenbeshadiging
Postbus 199
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)512 512517
Fax: +31 (0)582 346544

A. Gatt Street
Tel: +356-432843
Fax: +356-420382


'Daj Szanse'
ul. Piskorskiej 11,
87-100 Torun,
Tel/Fax: +48-566-482363

South Africa

South African Neurodevelopmental Therapy Association professional organization
Cape Town 

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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Readeez Sale!

It's billed as "The Largest Independent Book Festival in the Nation."

Readeez Volume Three DVD CoverAnd this year, Readeez will be part of it!

I'm delighted to report that we managed to squeeze in as a last-minute addition to the 2011 AJC Decatur Book Festival. Come see us at Booth #202.

Can't make it to Decatur, GA on Saturday or Sunday? You can still take advantage of our Festival Special: $5 off the Grand Slam Bundle, either Physical or Digital. Just visit the Readeez Store and use the code DBF2011 when you check out. The deal's good through the end of the day Monday (Sept. 5). Don't miss it.

If you do make it to the Festival, there's a good chance you'll meet our brand new Director of Sales. Her name's Melissa Zanone, she joined us this month, and she's a veritable dynamo of energy, creativity and ideas. It probably doesn't hurt that her two children are absolutely crazy about Readeez.
Want to know more about buying Readeez products for your school, library, business or fundraiser? Give Melissa a holler. She's

One more bit of news: Watch for a special new Readee next week (the day after Labor Day) featuring music by Kindie sensation Caspar Babypants. It's a wonderful song called "Funny Bone" and it will delight both your inner child and your actual child.

Well, that's about it. Hope you have a great weekend. Oh -- and if you haven't been to the Readeez Web site lately, check out the zippy new design. Watch some Readeez. And share 'em with all your friends!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Noggin and BDNF Promotes Neurogenesis

The BDNF Response to Health and Trauma
BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) is one of the most potent healing compounds in your brain. Adequate BDNF is needed for brain plasticity, cognitive intelligence, optimal learning, positive mood, etc. In other words BDNF is your brain rejuvenation compound. BDNF can prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease. BDNF is even active outside your brain wherein it helps your muscles burn fat! A lack of BDNF sets the stage for addictive behavior, including compulsive overeating. Those with the lowest levels of BDNF have the worst depression.
You can activate BDNF with aerobic exercise, even consistent moderate aerobics. Aerobics in older adults has been shown to stop brain shrinkage and boost BDNF while preventing depression. There are many nutrients that facilitate the production and release of BDNF (DHA, pantethine, acetyl-l-carnitine, zinc, blueberries, curcumin, niacin, DHEA, and likely many others). Nutrients work very well to maintain BDNF levels in the face of high levels of stress, as clicking on any of the study links in the previous sentence will explain to you. In order to properly activate BDNF it also requires proper function of thyroid hormone – an issue that is problematic in many people with depression.
BDNF production in your brain occurs within glial cells (astrocytes). It is very important to understand that BDNF production can be activated by multiple signals coming into the glial cells, not just one type of input. In other words, we have glial cell activation in response to healthy behaviors like exercise and good nutrition, part of the ongoing process of keeping your brain rejuvenated and in tip-top working condition. In animal experiments following stroke, voluntary exercise helps produce high levels of BDNF and nerve regeneration whereas forced exercise does not.
BDNF is also activated during times of brain injury, so as to repair the injury. Nerve cells do not split and divide like other cells in your body. Rather, nerve cells must either fix themselves or have a strategy to develop new nerve growth, and both processes require BDNF.
full article here:

full article here:

Adenovirally Expressed Noggin and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Cooperate to Induce New Medium Spiny Neurons from Resident Progenitor Cells in the Adult Striatal Ventricular Zone

Eva Chmielnicki,1 Abdellatif Benraiss,1 Aris N. Economides,2 and Steven A. Goldman1,3
1Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, Cornell University Medical College, New York, New York 10021, 2Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Tarrytown, New York 10591, and 3Department of Neurology, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14642


Neurogenesis from endogenous progenitor cells in the adult forebrain ventricular wall may be induced by the local viral overexpression of cognate neuronal differentiation agents, in particular BDNF. Here, we show that the overexpression of noggin, by acting to inhibit glial differentiation by subependymal progenitor cells, can potentiate adenoviral BDNF-mediated recruitment of new neurons to the adult rat neostriatum. The new neurons survive at least 2 months after their genesis in the subependymal zone and are recruited primarily as GABAergic DARPP-32+ medium spiny neurons in the caudate-putamen. The new medium spiny neurons successfully project to the globus pallidus, their usual developmental target, extending processes over several millimeters of the normal adult striatum. Thus, concurrent suppression of subependymal glial differentiation and promotion of neuronal differentiation can mobilize endogenous subependymal progenitor cells to achieve substantial neuronal addition to otherwise non-neurogenic regions of the adult brain.

Administration of Noggin and BDNF to Promote Neurogenesis

  • Co-administration of two proteins - noggin and BDNF -- directly or via gene therapy, to promote the brain's own ability to produce new neurons
  • Potential treatment for: depression, neurogenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimer's); traumatic injury, stroke.
Level of Development: Efficacy in mouse model of Huntington's Disease.
The investigators found that neuronal production from adult ventricular zone (VZ) progenitor cells may be synergistically promoted by administration of, or concurrent overexpression of, noggin and a neurotrophic factor.
Noggin suppresses glial differentiation -- its administration prevents the brain's neural stem cells from being diverted away from becoming neurons.
Neurotrophins, such as brain-derived nerve growth factor (BDNF) promote the differentiation of new neurons from VZ progenitor cells, as is disclosed in this invention from the same lab.

Additional Information (publications, web sites, and patent links)


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