
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Need Extra Guidance?

Need some help putting together a plan for your child?

Have specific questions?

Let's get to it!

We can chat on the phone or Skype for an hour and then I can send you a personalized action plan in a follow up email.
    *$100 for an hour. Sliding scale available. 
Simply click here to set up a phone or Skype appointment.

If we Skype, there is a chance that Jett will be home and you can meet him as well. Let me know if that is a priority for you. :)

*These blog posts were designed so that you can find your own way and create your own path, but our kids are all individual so, understandably, you may have questions. I would love to continue to provide this service for free, but the requests are so numerous that it was interfering with my ability to care for my own family. I can't hurt my loved ones to help your loved ones, as I'm sure you can understand!

Any discussion we may have is given as suggestions only and should not be taken as a professional medical diagnosis or opinion. I'm not a physician. Be sure to check with yours.


  1. Hi. I have found your website so helpful. I am concerned that your last entries were 2015. What happened? Thank you.

  2. Hey Debi!

    I've had a second child who has cerebral palsy (yes, I'm working on another blog lol). I've also been active with the organization Down Syndrome OPTIONs, so I just haven't had the time to post even though I have a lot more to share! I will at least give an update on Jett ASAP and try to finish some of the 100 posts that I've started. :)

  3. Wow, have learned so much from your blog, and yes you should put it in a book. Question, I see you use the NeuroProtek, is there a reason you are not using the BrainGain? I see that it has folinic Acid, is that ok or the same as folic acid. If it is as good of a product as NeuroProtek, which my son has been taking, then wanted to try the BrainGain. What are your thoughts? Also the green tea extract(used Teavigo) caused my son to be super hyper. His teacher begged me to take him off, I agreed as he was a completely different kid. The NAET tested no to use it. May need to try a different brand, do have the one from Nutrivene. May give it a go.

    Once again so glad I found your blog, thank you for all your insight and research!

  4. Hi Andi! I find the whole new world with your blog. Thank you!
    Are you still active? I will gladly sign up for Skype hour.
    Best regards,


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