
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Doctors' Presentations on Biomedical Issues in Down Syndrome

Please enjoy these videos from the Down Syndrome Track that took place at the AutismOne Conference in May of 2012. This track was organized by the new non profit, Down Syndrome OPTIONs, of which I am president.

  • Dr. Norman Schwartz's Biomedical Basics: Where to Begin The video plays the end first and then the beginning in the middle, so let the whole video download and then fast forward to the end, then let it continue to play and it will start at the beginning. Then to hear the question and answer section, start from the beginning again.
       Dr. Schwartz will also be presenting at the Down Syndrome Cruise Conference. 
BioMedical Presentations from the Malta Research Seminar 2013
If you are interested in the Conference Cruise, please email or call:

Rosalie Newell-Wagner, Parent of a child with Down Syndrome and President of the BC Down Syndrome Society
Toll Free:  1-855-DSCRUIZ (1-855-372-7849)

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  1. It was recommended that I contact you, and after seeing your Blog I see why.

    I am working with a very special lady, Dr. Julia Kinder, who has an 8 year old daughter with Down syndrome. We're trying to promote A PETITION REGARDING DOWN SYNDROME and I thought you would be a great resource to help spread the word.


    We're also having all sorts of activities on her website Celebrating Down syndrome -

    We also published a national Press Release about this a few weeks ago, but we need the active Down syndrome community to get involved -

    Please let me know if you would help by posting some of this to your interested audience:

    Your time and efforts are so important as we try to change the stereotypes surrounding Down syndrome - dispelling the myths - and as we try to CHANGE THE WAY IN WHICH THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY PROVIDES RESOURCES TO NEW PARENTS. We can only achieve these goals with your help!

    Thank you so much!

  2. Hey Colin,
    Good to hear from you! (I see your friend picture on ALL 300 DS Facebook pages that I visit!) Can you email me privately so we can discuss? (Go to "about me" for my email.)
    Thanks so much!

  3. Gosh, imagine the possibilities if the doctors actually gave us the information we require!

    Sim & Leila x


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!