
Be Green

A healthy, toxin-free environment can have a big impact on how well our children fare. They seem to be particularly sensitive, so we must do our best to provide surroundings that support rather than thwart their development. These posts will help you to keep your child safer from toxic substances found in the food, air and water.

In the Home

Nontoxic Homemade Cleaning Products
Six Foods that are Surprisingly High in Toxins
High Fructose Corn Syrup Is a Major Cause of Dementia
Healthy Air: Keeping Nasal Passages Clear & Mouths Closed
Save the Brain by Removing Toxic Aluminum
Toxin Free Babies
Keeping our kids toxin-free
"Good Morning America" set out to investigate exactly what kind of threat
indoor air pollution posed to the average person by setting up a child's
nursery with a new crib, changing table, rocker and decorations. Seven days
of testing later, the results were in. The air in our new nursery contained
300 different chemicals - compared to just two right outside the same house.
ABC Good Morning America
<> .

 In the Medical Setting

Antibiotics: Alternatives & What to Avoid
Natural Ways to Help with ADD & Hyperactivity